Saturday, 20 January 2007

Expectations And Relationships

Expectation has become a common word. Expectations are something we keep attaching to our relationships we share with others. This again leads us to dissatisfaction in a relationship. We have a tendency to expect so much out of a person and relationships that we tend to lose their identities. One thing should be remembered that nothing in this world is perfect nor are the people living in this world. It is when we attach expectations that we are usually dissatisfied.

Arithmetically the relationship between satisfaction and expectation may also be written as:

S= f (E, P)

Here S= Satisfaction, E= Expectation, P= Perceived performance. This shows satisfaction as a function of expectation and perceived performance. This implies that satisfaction is closely related to expectations. Similarly, in relationships as well expectations have a major role in either building a relationship or devastating a relationship. The more we expect from a person or a relationship more are we disappointed with the outcome of it. Everyone being an individual has different behaviors and thus one should not expect a person to behave in a particular way always or be exactly the ideal kind of person of your thoughts. Every relationship has its own purpose, its own way of nurturing itself and expectations will only bind it in its purview.

Never expect anything out of a person and a relationship because if it doesn’t turn out to be like what you expected you feel lost and betrayed. When you let a relationship free it shapes up beautifully and because you had no expectations clinging to it you accept it full heartedly and also enjoy all the aspects of it-good or bad. Follow this thumb rule and see how you are able to accept every part of a manifold relationship.

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